Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia and is known to give people enhanced energy, increased focus, and even to support relaxation. The leaf of the plant is typically used to help provide a variety of effects associated with relief from physical discomfort, uneasy feelings, and melancholy moods. While researchers are still investigating the many potential benefits and active pathways of kratom, some people believe that kratom has certain effects on their libido.


Kratom is very similar to coffee; they are in the same botanical family, and consuming either can help increase energy and focus. Initial studies have indicated that the two most abundant alkaloids in kratom, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, may have an effect on receptors in the brain, though more research is needed to understand the nature of this effect. Since kratom is known for supporting the energy needed to endure physical activity, consuming the leaf may also have an impact on libido. It is important to learn and understand the effects of kratom so you can use it safely yourself.


Effects of Kratom on Libido

Kratom effects can vary from user to user. Few studies have been conducted on the effects of kratom on libido, and evidence is mixed as to whether it may enhance or suppress it.


One case report suggests that frequent kratom use may be related to elevated levels of prolactin. Excess amounts of the hormone prolactin can interfere with the secretion of the hormone gonadotropin, which can result in decreased testosterone, erectile dysfunction, or low libido. In the case review cited above, a patient who discontinued kratom use saw his prolactin levels return to normal, and his low testosterone levels subside as a result.


Additionally, kratom can be used to support relaxation and relieve physical discomfort, which could result in lower sensitivity. Nevertheless, kratom is reported to produce other effects that could increase libido, including:

  • Increased confidence
  • Relief from uneasy feelings
  • Temporary relief of physical discomfort
  • Increased excitement


Negative Effects of Kratom

Kratom, though a natural botanical, is classified as a supplement and therefore is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Like all supplements, it’s important to understand the negative effects kratom can have on the body in order to avoid any complications. Some potential side effects of kratom include:

  • Jitters
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Liver problems
  • Itching
  • Sleeplessness


Additionally, people can experience different side effects or potential risks if they are taking kratom with other libido enhancement drugs. If you are considering taking kratom, it’s important to consult with your doctor, especially if you are on medication or have pre-existing conditions.


Best Strains for Boosting Libido

These effects are also known as “kratom speeds” and are indicative of the attributes of each kratom strain. Specific strains of kratom are labeled according to the color, as well as the region or island where they were grown. The three most common types of leaves categorized by color include:


Generally, people who are using kratom for libido enhancement want to use white or green strains, as these are known to increase focus and excitement. Red strains, on the other hand, are known for their “slower” speeds and effects. There are many types of kratom strains that may be able to help boost your libido:

    • White Thai: This strain is known to increase energy and mood as well as provide some relief from physical discomfort.
    • White Bali: The Bali strain is known for enhancing moods and helping with relaxation. It can also help relieve physical discomfort temporarily without any sedative effects.
    • Green Bali: This strain is one of the most popular kratom strains and is typically used for relieving uneasy feelings and stress without any sedative effects.
  • Green Cambodian: This strain can help increase stamina, energy, and mood. It can help make tasks easier as well and enhance thought clarity.
  • Maeng Da: This strain is one of the strongest and is known to help increase libido, support a relaxed mentality, and boost energy. It can be ingested as a red, white, or green strain.
  • Red Borneo: This strain is used for temporarily relieving physical discomfort as well as increasing focus and helping calm anxious feelings.


How to Avoid Low Libido on Kratom

People who suffer from low libido could also suffer from anxiety and depression. While some people report positive effects on their libido from kratom use, others report negative effects. Though the exact mechanisms by which kratom may impact libido are not yet definitively known, some side effects could be caused by how much kratom people are taking. Kratom works best in small doses; large doses could result in intense sedative symptoms.


Kratom Dosage for Libido

Taking the correct amount of kratom to enhance your libido is determined by your weight and gender. If you are a male, the average doses are as follows:

  • Below 150 pounds: 0.75-1.5 grams
  • 150-210 pounds: 1.5-2.25 grams
  • Above 210 pounds: 2.25-3 grams


For females, the average doses are:

  • Below 150 pounds: 0.25-0.50 grams
  • 150-210 pounds: 0.50-0.75 grams
  • Above 210 pounds: 0.75-1.00 grams


It is also important to note that if you are engaged in long-term use, you could build up a kratom tolerance; this could affect the amount you need to take to feel any active effects. However, studies have shown that kratom has low abuse potentialKratom comes in a variety of forms including:


Each form may have a different potency; for instance, a capsule may have a smaller amount of the active ingredients found in kratom than if you were using powder. Understanding your doses and knowing how much to take is an important step in consuming kratom. To feel the full effects of kratom, remember to:

  • Measure out each dose
  • Do not eat before taking kratom
  • Stay hydrated
  • Increase kratom consumption in small amounts
  • Always buy from a registered vendor
  • Monitor your usage
  • Consume a higher dose of kratom after eating a full meal


As with the other reported benefits of kratom, its effect on libido has not yet been clinically proven, and there are some conflicting experiences reported by users. While kratom can yield many desirable effects, it is important to consult a physician, manage dosage carefully, and proceed slowly to determine if kratom fits with your needs and lifestyle.

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